Dibilang Mirip Ayu Ting Ting Saat Promosikan Lipstik, tak Disangka Begini Reaksi Lucinta Luna

Why Most Insurance Agents Succeed at Sales Success in selling Insurance is not an accident. When you first start off it's hard but the more you learn about how to succeed at what you are doing, the easier it becomes. Success and failure is not an accident. You don't fall into success nor do you fall into failure. Sadly more people walk into failure than they need to. It is my hope that this article will give you some steps you can take on the path to success in Insurance sales. 1) Set a sales goal - there is a ton of information available on goal setting so I won't address those in this article. Keep in mind that a goal is like the bullseye an archer aims for when he draws back his bow. You cannot hit a target you don't aim for. Let your sales goals reflect the targets you want to hit in your career. 2) Make a plan to reach that goal- break it down so that you know each day the activities you need to perform to hit your goal. For example, if you want to earn $100,000 a year you know that you need to make $2000 in commissions each week (taking 2 weeks off for vacation), which breaks down to $400/day and $50/hour. Each task that you perform must be equal to someone getting paid $50 for the job. See your time being worth $50/hour. 3) Control your activity to increase your productivity- In line with making a plan you must control your activity. If you spend 3 hours a day reading emails, listening to voicemail, mailing envelopes and taking coffee breaks, you are losing 3 hours a day which is $150/day, $750/week and $37,500 a year. Can you afford to lose $37,500 year to non productivity? I can not. 4) Stop making excuses for failure - Failure is not an option. When some agents are failing, they blame everyone but themselves. "It's the leads; it's the clients; it's because I have no support staff; it's because I have no money." Take 100 responsibilities for your actions. Failure is waiting for us all. Leave him at the bus stop. 5) See yourself successful - Finally, see yourself succeeding. Nothing causes more failure than a mental image of failure being acceptable and expected. Look instead at how much better your life can be if you hit your sales goals, achieve your income projections and have time to share your wealth with people you love and care for. Nothing in life is better than that!

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