Wanita Yang Keras Kepala Adalah Calon Istri Terbaik, Kok Bisa Ya? Ternyata Begini Alasanya

When speaking in insurance terms, you will notice the term "acceptable risk". What is this term and what does it mean? An acceptable risk is an insurance risk that the insurance company is willing to insure. There are many different criteria that will form an acceptable risk category. Some of the factors do include age, driving record, automobile type and what the auto is used for. This will categorize part of what is considered acceptable risk. There are many set factors such as the above factors that will be considered when trying to insure an automobile and driver for road worthiness. Usually acceptable risk will include a clean driving record, or little to no tickets, the age of the driver and the type of car or truck to be insured. The way that the automobile will be used tells a great deal about the acceptability of risk for insurance purposes. These risk categories are set by the insurance agencies themselves. They and they alone are the final arbiters of who is acceptable and who is not acceptable to insure on that criteria alone. Each agency is different from the first when it comes to acceptable risks. Now let's illustrate acceptable risk and unacceptable risk. An acceptable risk for example would be a 42 year old female, clean driving record, has taken driver's education. Has a Ford Taurus - 1982 model two door. This is an acceptable risk. Now let's compare that with the same age female, who has a lousy driving record, and has a sports car like a Toyota Celica for example. The insurance company will either deny the second female coverage or charge her a higher rate than the first female due to the unacceptable risk that the second female has with the driving record and the sports car. That is the difference between accepted and unaccepted risk. Recommended reading: Cheap Auto Insurance [http://www.AutoInsurance-Review.com] FREE! Find the cheapest auto insurance for your vehicle! Click here: [http://www.AutoInsurance-Review.com]


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