Kamu Dan Aku Jauh Dari Kata Sempurna, Tetapi Kita Berdua Akan Sempurna Ketika Kita Bersama

Fear is one of the first emotions that strikes after a cancer diagnosis. And if you're diagnosed with mesothelioma, fear becomes even stronger when the doctor starts talking about prognosis and statistics. Though treatment is certainly possible, the advanced stages of cancer � when mesothelioma is often diagnosed � are more challenging to treat, and the survival rate is poor. Also, because so many people with mesothelioma developed it because they were exposed to asbestos at work, the potential of a lengthy lawsuit looms, as do huge medical bills. So, getting fear in check is most important before you can move forward. Mesothelioma: Why People Are So Afraid People with a mesothelioma diagnosis are "truly scared," says Alan D. Valentine, MD, associate psychiatrist and associate professor of medicine (psychiatry) at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. There are several reasons for this. The late diagnosis and often poor prognosis are certainly factors, says Dr. Valentine. He also notes that the many advertisements that you see on television � from law firms promoting lawsuits and settlements � also give a certain graveness to the disease. In addition, mesothelioma doesn't get the publicity � or public support � that more common cancers like breast cancer do. "There's not a whole lot out there for them," says Valentine. "Put that together with a very scary diagnosis and I think that the anxiety and depression generally would be close to the top." People also might feel more isolated with this disease, he says, which can exacerbate fear. Mesothelioma: How to Calm Down and Cope Therapy and antidepressants are an option for helping to manage emotions like fear, anxiety, and depression that are common after a cancer diagnosis, says Valentine. While he says that patients should be screened to see if those therapies would offer benefit, they shouldn't automatically be prescribed. Be honest and realistic about what you're faced with, recommends Valentine. Accept your fear, anger, and other feelings � don't feel like you have to be strong, stoic, and always positive. "Sometimes, that's asking a lot," he says. Instead, concentrate on what needs to happen, says Valentine, rather than what could happen. Focus on business obligations, taking medications, and moving forward with treatment, instead of wondering if the worst will happen. Valentine also recommends these mechanisms to cope with fear from a cancer diagnosis and to stay calm: Practicing guided imagery, in which you lead your thoughts to soothing images Trying self-hypnosis Joining a support group Getting regular, light exercise � even walking or exercising in a chair Anything you can do to distract yourself and allow yourself to refocus on the task at hand rather than getting caught up in fear, anxiety, and "what ifs," Valentine says, will help you manage your fear. Mesothelioma: Dissipating Fear Paul S. Zygielbaum, from Santa Rosa, Calif., was in a bit of denial after he was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma (in the abdomen) in 2004. Because he knew so little about his extremely rare type of cancer, he started doing research � and what he read didn't make him feel any better. "It was very difficult. I'd wake up at night just frightened, thinking 'what's going to happen?'" Finally, "I just said, look, I've got to go on with my life during this diagnosis." And one night his fear turned into an answer. "I just had this flash that I needed to live, and needed to do what I could to make sure that other people didn't go through this," he says. Mesothelioma: Moving Forward Zygielbaum has been living with his disease for five years. While he has no need for treatment now, he knows that he probably will again. And most likely he will face the same fear. But he keeps going. Zygielbaum dedicates a lot of time volunteering with the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization and trying to get Congress to ban asbestos use in the United States. Zygielbaum approached his cancer like any other big problem in life. "I just felt like I needed to just deal with this in a problem-solving way." His logical approach, education about his cancer and treatment options, and a little laughter all helped him deal with his fear and move forward with his treatment � and his life.

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