Setelah Menyakiti Lalu Dia Pergi, Jangan Lagi Tangisi. Sungguh Dia Tidak Pantas Jika Masih Disisimu

Mesothelioma: Other Palliative Treatments Bartolome R. Celli, MD, chief of pulmonary care at St. Elizabeth�s Medical Center in Boston, also says that experimental chemotherapy regimens can relieve discomfort for mesothelioma patients. �In addition, oxygen if necessary, analgesics [pain killers], and opiates [narcotic pain killers] will improve symptoms and quality of life,� Dr. Celli adds. Palliative radiation therapy can be used to control pain as well. Though there is currently no cure for mesothelioma, researchers are studying novel ways to control the progression of this disease. In the mean time, palliative care therapies aimed at reducing pain and other symptoms are essential for people with mesothelioma.

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