Hotel Insurance With Public Liability Cover Insurance is very important, especially if you own a business. With a good insurance policy, you protect both your business and the welfare of your clients. The reason why is because your provider takes over in the event something bad happens. They would be the ones responsible for the 10K dollars, 100K dollars or even 1 million dollar settlements... amounts that an ordinary business could not afford. The situation becomes even more critical for companies involved with hospitality. Whether someone is running a nightclub or a hotel, there is an increased chance of a liability claim. But if you have hotel insurance, your financial interests are protected, regardless of what happens. Even if the judge finds your company at fault, your provider will still cover the settlement. The same is also true for nightclub insurance. These policies are similar to hotel insurance, in that they cover a larger range of liabilities. However, they are different enough that they should still be purchased separately. The only exception is if the nightclub is actually part of the hotel. In that situation, the owner might be able to get an all-in-one discount if they purchase both policies from the same company. Now, whether you get nightclub or hotel insurance, make sure each policy covers public liability. If they do, you will be protected against claims of negligence. For example, if someone falls on a freshly mopped floor, and a "Wet Floor" sign was not in place, you would not be responsible for the damages. The negligent employee responsible for the accident would also be protected. Contents insurance should also be covered in your policy. With this protection, you will receive compensation if there is any theft, damage or vandalism on the fixtures inside your building. The same is also true with your company's belongings, like beds or exercise equipment. Indeed, with contents protection, you could end up saving thousands, as you would not have to replace these items out of pocket. Now for those that are on the bar side of hospitality, there are special pub insurances. They address more unique concerns in comparison to hotel or night club insurance. Since bar owners have more contents to worry about, they need a different level of protection. However, their coverage may not be as extensive as nightclub or hotel insurance, simply because their interaction with the public is different. If a bar does not have a dance floor, it is more like a restaurant (at least in the eyes of an insurance provider). There you have it... the basics behind hospitality insurance. If you own a hotel, bar or nightclub, you need to get your hands on these policies. Otherwise, you could suffer dire consequences financially. That 1 million euro settlement a customer got for falling down falls on your shoulders. Plus, you would suffer negative publicity. Granted, this does not mean you will be free from emotional fallout, as anyone going through trial is going to suffer a little spiritually. But with hospitality insurance, you do not have to worry about losing your business in the process. Your provider will take care of all the odds and ends, giving you time to repair your company's damaged image.
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