Does Your Hotel Insurance Policy Pass Muster? No one needs to tell you the changing nature of the hotel industry. Between government regulatory change and health and safety issues, it's all you can do to stay ahead of an evolving, growing industry. So how do you think that hotel insurance policy package you bought is doing? If it's been more than a few years since you purchased your insurance package, it's almost a given that something in your current business practices is not covered by that insurance package. But how can you know? Simple. Call your broker and ask him or her to conduct an insurance audit on your current coverage. A professional insurance audit can uncover areas of exposure you may not have realized you had. Thanks to changes in business practices, changes in employee status, business operations changes, property conversions or renovations, your current hotel insurance may be missing some key areas of risk that have arisen during the course of conducting normal business operations. Also, any hotel insurance policy you may have purchased in the past may no longer be relevant. If your property had amenities that are no longer part of the business, or if the employee base has somehow changed, say from a full-time staff to all part-time employees, you may be paying for coverage that you don't need and won't use. And consider this - the policy you bought a few years ago may have been the top-of-the-line coverage of the moment, but new products could be on the market that better address your business needs. What's more, those products could cost less. But you won't know until you look. Call a broker who specializes in hotel insurance products (like us!) to help you determine if your coverage is the best for your current business operations. Looking costs you nothing, but not looking could cost you plenty. VIP Hotel Insurance is pleased to partner with Kurt Kramer, a familiar face in the hospitality insurance marketplace. His knowledge and experience ensure that your assets (as provided to him) will be protected in the event of a claim or catastrophe. Kurt enables VIP to bring great, rewarding and an all encompassing insurance program to the Hotel owner.
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