Sekuat Apapun Godaan Untuk Mendua, Ingatlah Selingkuh Itu Hanyalah Menambah Dosa

THE HISTORY OF COLLAGE It wasn't until the 20th century that the term collage was coined (more about that shortly.) Nevertheless,Japanese calligraphers in the 12th century glued paper and fabric onto their written poetry as a background. This technique could by defined as collage. 15th and 16th century artisans in the Near East applied intricate paper designs for their handmade books. In medieval times, around the 13th and 14th centuries, artists enhanced their spiritual images and icons painted on panels with a variety of materials including gold leaf (paper thin sheets of gold attached with glue), fabric, jewels, relics and hand-colored papers. Nuns were creating beautiful and intricately design bookmarks for their prayer books. All of these artful applications are aligned with the collage technique. In the early 19th century, with the advent of the camera and photography, families were gluing photos into scrap books. Commercial screens and lampshades with photo images of popular tourist attractions and European landmarks were mass produced and became very popular decorative household items CONTEMPORARY COLLAGE It wasn't until the 20th century that Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque first glued material on to their paintings. It was then "collage" became a word that refers to a specific kind of art form. The term collage is derived from the French "coller" meaning "to paste or to glue." Soon collage became the word for describing a new and exciting artistic process. The scene was set and Picasso and Braque were the players. The traditional, idealistic, classical subject matter of the Renaissance and Romantic Eras was on the wane. The Impressionists had helped pave the way for this movement by choosing to paint local subject matter--public gardens, cathedrals and country lanes. Claude Monet, a famous Impressionist, painted many studies of haystacks under the continually changing light of day. So, it wasn't surprising that artistic forerunners like Picasso and Braque, were using theatre tickets and fragments of posters and newspapers, in their paintings. Ultimately, their use of mass media materials established the contemporary wide-open guidelines for modern art: (1) Any material can be used to make an artwork 2) Any idea can be used for an artwork. (3) Any technique can be used for making artwork. Today, collage is an established art form that presents an imaginative, provocative, and often humorous perspective by employing common, everyday objects as subject matter. Collage transforms the usual into the unusual. The skills required for making a collage are both visual and physical. The physical skill involves combining objects to create a composition. The visual skill requires an eye and mind sensitive to meaning and context of the objects.

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