Miliki Kamar Senilai 80 Juta, Begini Hunian Mewah Milik Young Lex

Sales Strategies for Insurance Agents I believe that success leaves clues. People who start from nothing and build something great do so by employing strategies that get them to their desired destination. It begins in the mind. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. You must see yourself succeeding in sales, believe that it is possible to do so and then have corresponding actions that make what you believe a reality. John Maxwell teaches on the laws of success. In one of his books he describes "the law of the lid." This law basically states that we all have self- imposed lids we put on ourselves that limits how far we can go in any chosen endeavor. We get to a certain point financially and then if it looks like we will go beyond that point we sabotage our future success. In essence, we hit our lid. Let me give you an example. Maybe up unto this point you have only made $40,000 a year on your job. You decide to go all out in a sales career and suddenly you have the chance to earn $80,000. If $40,000 is the lid that you have subconsciously set for yourself you may find yourself doing things to prevent you from ever reaching $80,000. You may stop working. You may begin to slack off. Or you may get your manager and team so ticked off at you that you are fired. We all have lids. We all have limitations we have placed on our lives. But it's only by trying do you ever discover what that lid is. Take a famous basketball player who comes form a modest family and then was drafted into the NBA and awarded a contract worth millions. Many such players not only earn the wealth but they refuse to squander it. There lid was a lot higher than their present circumstance at the time. We can all raise the lid so that success will not scare you. Here are a few ways to do it. A) Associate with people who have more than you do- when you get around successful people who have lots of what the world has to offer it can open your eyes to possibilities. One of my uncles has done real well for himself so when he got ready to retire he brought himself 2 corvettes (black and white). He shopped and got incredible deals on them. Most people would be content with 1 corvette but his lid is so high that to him getting 2 of them was the norm. B)Visualize the life a successful sales career can give you - imagine the places you can visit, the items you can buy and the lifestyle you can afford your loved ones with financial success. See more for you than what is currently in front of you. C) Dare to dream - dream big and see how your future can unfold.

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