Asbestos is a mineral whose main characteristics are thermal isolation and highly resistant to fire. Asbestos toxicity is related to its fibrous structure, Which is globally tested and recognised as a first level Human carcinogen, found naturally in rocks and widely used by modern industry. However, few studies related to this analyse the risk and Controlling factors associated with asbestos-related diseases and follow up these conditions in the general population. The main risk factor of asbestos is inhalation of asbestos fibers as a result of work exposure. Inhalation of asbestos can affect directly to people living with and handle the clothing of workers directly exposed to asbestos. All these have been reported as a possible contributor to disease. The first step is to have a proper asbestos awareness training to identify and prevent asbestos related hazards. It is compulsory to take a certified Online certification course from UKATA( United Kingdom Asbestos Training Association ) for anyone those who disturb Asbestos-containing Materials. The potential exposure to asbestos mainly include : (1) The emissions of asbestos from neighbourhood from nearby asbestos-product manufacturing facilities, asbestos mines, construction work involving asbestos. (2) Household exposure from the use of asbestos-containing materials, For example, the use of tremolite/erionite whitewash on the exterior of homes (3) The asbestos fibers brought into the home on workers clothing or bodies, and domestic activities such as handling or laundering workers contaminated clothing which result in household contamination. Asbestos-related diseases : Handling and inhaling the asbestos is the main reason for the asbestos-related diseases. All types of asbestos can cause infectious diseases like mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer and pleural plaques in persons believed to be exposed domestically through family members who worked mostly in shipyards or asbestos factories. The association with simple environmental exposure is better known for mesothelioma than for asbestos-related lung cancer. How to diagnose and control: The main methods to control and diagnosis is to get a proper asbestos awareness training from an affiliated company before handling with asbestos, identifying the symptoms of asbestos- related diseases, regular diagnosis check ups ( include all workers who may disturb asbestos). The common clinical symptoms: asymptomatic; persistent dry cough; respiratory failure symptoms; oncologic symptoms digital clubbing, crackles. Imaging signs: pleural plaques; thickening of the pleura; rounded atelectasis; pulmonary fibrosis; partial pleural effusion; massive pleural effusion. Diagnostic variables: imaging (X-ray, conventional and high-resolution computed axial tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound); pathology (biopsy, cytology, autopsy); respiratory function tests (spirometry, gas exchange). For more detail log on to www.asbestosawareness.training and feel free to contact us anytime. We are happy to help you.
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